
– The project involved creating posters for an open-door event featuring Defense Forces’ equipment.
– Two examples of the posters were needed.
– The task was to design A3-sized printable posters that conveyed essential information and were easily readable.
– The posters were required to have a clean design while capturing a military theme.
– Consistency in style across the posters was necessary.

– The objective was to design posters for the open-door event showcasing Defense Forces’ equipment.
– The posters had to be A3-sized, printable, and visually appealing.
– The main focus was on presenting key information in a clear and readable manner.
– The design had to reflect a military theme while maintaining a clean and professional look.
– Consistency in style was essential to ensure a cohesive set of posters.

– The goal was to create visually appealing posters that effectively communicated important information about Defense Forces’ equipment.
– The posters aimed to attract visitors to the open-door event and generate interest in the military equipment on display.

– The process involved designing A3-sized posters with a focus on simplicity and readability.
– Key information about the Defense Forces’ equipment was selected and presented in a clear and concise manner.
– The design elements were chosen to convey a military theme while maintaining a clean aesthetic.
– Attention was given to typography, layout, and imagery to ensure an impactful visual presentation.
– The posters were designed in a consistent style to create a cohesive set.

– The resulting posters effectively conveyed essential information about Defense Forces’ equipment.
– They were visually appealing and captured the military theme.
– The clean design and readability of the posters made them accessible to a wide audience.
– The cohesive style of the posters created a unified visual identity for the open-door event.

– Through this project, I had the opportunity to create impactful posters that showcased Defense Forces’ equipment for the open-door event.
– Designing with simplicity and readability in mind allowed the posters to effectively communicate important information.
– Balancing a clean design with a military theme was a rewarding challenge.
– Ensuring consistency in style across the posters contributed to a cohesive visual presentation.
– Overall, the project helped me enhance my design skills and reinforced the importance of effective communication through visual mediums.

Estonian Defence Forces